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ilannoor institute


Quran Courses


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Course Requirements

Can read Quran with satisfactory fluency.

Course Description

I am Sameena, student of Hafidha Iffath Hassan(Author of the book Quranic Language Made Easy), I am doing Arabic Grammar from Bayyinah & read other books and source too.
"Anything which is good in these videos is from ALLAH alone and the mistakes are from me".
Remember the Golden Rule:
I Listen, I Forget. I See, I Remember.
I Practice, I Learn. I Teach, I Master.

وَلَقَدۡ يَسَّرۡنَا ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ لِلذِّكۡرِ فَهَلۡ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ۬
"And We have certainly made the Qura'n easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?
Quraan: Surah Al-Qamar 54 Ayah 17 (54:17)
"Walaqad yassarna alqurana lilththikri fahal min muddakirin" .
Never ever think or say or accept that the Quran is difficult to understand. Are you going to contradict this verse? May Allah forgive us.
Give at least 10 mins to the study of this book, for beginners every week.
Give at least 30 sec to the study of the vocabulary, before & after every Salah.

Course Curriculum

1 Ismul Isharah/Arabic Demonstrative Pronouns/Arabic Pointers QLME Lesson#18 & 19
20 Min

2 Madi ماضي/Arabic Past Tense Maadi/al fil al Madiالفعْل الماضي/Lesson1
22 Min

3 Masdar Arabic Verbal Noun المصدر/ Lesson#26
17 Min

4 Asma al Khamsa ذُوْ/Dhuu/Lesson 25 part2
34 Min

5 Asma al khamsa / الأسماء المُكبّرة Asma al Mukabbarah/25
29 Min

6 Arabic Mabni wal Muarrab Nounsالأسماء المبني والمعرّب/Lesson#24
29 Min

7 Iraab of Nouns /I'raab/ن of Iraab/QLME Lesson#23 part2
2 Min

8 I'raab of Arabic Nouns اِعرَاب الاِسم Lesson#23
43 Min

9 Mafool Bihi مفعول به, Mutlaqمفعول مطلق Types of Maf'ools,Lesson#22
37 Min

10 Nasab/Mansub Arabic grammar(Iraab al Ism-AL-Mansubat/Lesson#22
39 Min

11 Istafham/Arabic Question Words الاسماءالاستفهام or Arabic Interrogative Nouns Lesson#21
24 Min

12 Ism Mausulah/Arabic Relative Pronounالاسماء الموصولة Lesson#20
19 Min

13 Arabic Kalimat (Words) Lesson#1&2
12 Min

14 Arabic Masculine & Feminine Nounsالاسماء المذكروالمؤنث Lesson#17
18 Min

15 The table format for Broken Plurals ,h e (Jama Muknssar)
20 Min

16 Arabic Plural Nouns Iالاِسم الجمع Lesson#14
14 Min

17 Arabic Jumla Ismiyyah/Arabic Nominal Sentence الجُمْلَةُ الاِسْمِية Lesson#13
33 Min

18 Mudaf Mudaf Ilaihi/Possessive Phrase Lesson#12
29 Min

19 Mausoof Sifa/Sifa Mausufالصفة والموصوف Lesson#11
30 Min

20 Arabic Nouns2/ Marifaمعرِفة &Nakirahنَكِرة,Lesson#10 QLME/Converting a Nakirah into a Marifa Noun
20 Min

21 Arabic Nouns1 Marifahمعرفة and Nakirah and Harakatحركات, QLME Lesson#9
19 Min

22 Arabic Prepositions part2/Huruful Jarr2الحروف الجر Lesson#8
39 Min

23 Arabic Prepositions/Huruful Jarrالحروف الجرPrepositions1,Lesson#7
20 Min

24 Attached Pronouns with VERBS Lesson#6
17 Min

25 Arabic Pronounsالضمائر المُتَّصِلَة(Damair al Muttasilah) Lesson#4&5
23 Min

26 Arabic pronouns Lesson #3
16 Min

27 Arabic Kalimat (Words) Lesson#1&2

1 Fil Amr الفعل الأمر Imperative Verb in Arabic/Lesson3
20 Min

2 Outside Doer فَاعِل & Inside Doer/Arabic Past Tense Madiالفعْل الماضي Lesson1 PART2
19 Min

3 Mudare/Arabic Verbs Conjugation/Al Fil Al Mudareالفعل المضارع / Arabic Present or Future Tense Lesson #2
24 Min

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Quranic Language Made Easy


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